The Ladder (Grey Held)
I wrote this poem thinking about how we all climb the rungs of our lives—skyward perhaps or precarious. What will we find at the top? And who or what will steady us? This scene of two men/creatures holding a ladder was inspired by Medieval manuscripts. My poem forms an arch above them.
I wrote this poem thinking about how we all climb the rungs of our lives—skyward perhaps or precarious. What will we find at the top? And who or what will steady us? This scene of two men/creatures holding a ladder was inspired by Medieval manuscripts. My poem forms an arch above them.
I wrote this poem thinking about how we all climb the rungs of our lives—skyward perhaps or precarious. What will we find at the top? And who or what will steady us? This scene of two men/creatures holding a ladder was inspired by Medieval manuscripts. My poem forms an arch above them.